English Teacher Lucy
Teach English resources. Revising after CELTA.
Phonology: Individual Sounds
Writing and Speaking Tasks
- Gap-fill exercises
- 50/50 choice questions
- Changing something in a sentence
- Group writing
- Presentations
- Debates
- Role-plays
- The language structure
- Context
- Task (what they need to do)
- Procedure (how they are going to do it)
Reading and Listening Sub-Skills
- Short time, read quickly
- Don't need to read every word
- Get a general understanding of the text
- Give task before they read or listen so they can look for it
- Answers are easy to find
- Don't need to think about the meaning
- The words in the questions are similar/related to the words in the text
- Requires students to think a bit
- Need to understand the text and context to answer the questions
- Need to read more slowly and carefully
- Includes some new words
- Read text then use what they've learnt to answer questions
- Afterwards use CCQs and drill to check that they have understood the meaning and pronunciation
- Need a deep understanding of the text
- The answers can't be specifically found in a particular sentence or part of the text
- Requires the students to make assumptions based on what they have read
- Have the word or sentence on the board
- Have the phonemes below potential problem words
- Show circles above parts of the word or sentence that are stressed (but let these come up after you have drilled)
- Model the word or sentence
- Ask everybody or particular people to say it, you can do this numerous times
- You can ask them where the stress is and then show it on the board
- Including a picture and asking them what they think the picture is of
- Using the meaning of a word and asking 'what do we call...'
Planning and Teaching: CCQs
Concept check questions, or CCQs, are very important for teaching English as a language. These are questions you use to check the learners' understanding of the context and meaning at different points of the lesson. You should include your CCQs in your lesson plan and make sure you ask them during lessons.
So how do you come up with CCQs? Well when you do your lesson plan and your language analysis you will highlight any words or concepts that you think could be a potential problem for students to understand. In your language analysis you will include a definition for words and phrases and this is what will help you to create those questions.
- Look at the context of the word or phrase you are teaching
- What is the meaning?
- What could students think it means that it does not?
Grammar Lesson Structure: Guided Discovery
- Set the context using pictures and eliciting
- Personalise the context by asking students to discuss their own experiences related to the topic
- Receptive task (listening or reading)
- Grammar: meaning
- Grammar: form
- Grammar: pronunciation
- Controlled practice (help students understand the use of the grammar with a limited task)
- Free practice: a productive task (writing or speaking) to help the students with forming the grammar themselves
Language Analysis: Functional Skills Lesson
Example of a language analysis structure for functional skills lessons:
Context you are using to teach the language |
Formality and relationship between speakers |
What will this language enable the students
to do or improve upon? |
Examples of target
Example |
Pronunciation (include phonemes and stress) |
Form (part of speech it is) e.g. fixed
expression |
What does it mean and what is it’s function
in this example? |
CCQs |
Problems and solutions with meaning,
pronunciation or form |
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